
Welcome to a blog about things in my life, observations about the world, and just silly stuff. Enjoy!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Living the Tri Life

Now that I am injury free (knock on wood) and have a more flexible work schedule, I am training for triathlons again... with the goal of completing a full Ironman in 2013.  I am by no means an expert, but in case any of my experiences can offer insight into someone else interested in this sport I thought I'd share my progress, training plan, and experiences.

I finished my first round of P90X last fall and loved it some much I'm doing it again.  I am incorporating it into my daily training routine and now that I don't have access to weight machines this seems to be a nice alternative. 

For these winter months, I have been focusing on improving my biomechanics.  This has proved challenging since I can't afford a coach right now.  Instead I have been studying the Total Immersion videos on youtube and reading articles.  In April I plan to start going to the Master's swim sessions to add an extra challenge to my weekly workouts.  Currently, I'm stuck at the 2:00 mark for my 100s... so hopefully in a month, my times will improve.

During the winter months I have been riding in my "pain cave"... also know as the garage.  Three times a week I do trainer rides with various Spinnerval dvds.  I especially love the Hillervals workout.  Last fall I purchased a book stand for my bicycle (not recommended for use on the rollers... especially when reading a 5lb text book).  My other rides (long, steady pace) are done with this awesome addition... plus I can knock out some homework this way.

Now that the weather is getting nicer (and snow has melted), I will start riding my mountain bike and/or single speed to work again.  The plan is to ride 2-3 times a week during the semester and daily (weather permitting) during the summer months.  Using Gmaps, I approximated the distance as 22miles one way... so 44miles round trip.  Last year it took me about 1:15min to get to work, so I'm hoping that this year I can do it in under an hour... which is often faster than the bus or driving.

After assembling my new treadmill, I have been doing speed work in the pain cave and runs when it is icy out.  My new home is close to several trail systems and I am having fun planning routes and exploring the trails each week.  I should probably have a better training schedule, but I am just following the half marathon schedule from Hal Higgins (Runner's World) that I used in years past.  I am not packing on too much mileage right now and am instead working on improving my turtle running pace.

I eat a pretty healthy diet, especially now that I am gluten free (celiac disease) and dairy free.  Dairy free because my immune system is not smart enough to tell the difference between gluten and casein. Fortunately, I live in Colorado and am surrounded by lots of gluten free, dairy free, etc alternatives.  This year I will be growing an organic vegetable garden, complete with compost bin, and hopefully Rapter squirrel free.  Also, I'll be attempting to make more gluten free race foods.  During my food trials, I'll post any that are worth sharing... what works, what doesn't etc.

Until next time... happy training to all you fellow weekend warriors!